Timelines of Gallery 1134's History:
After having excavated The Fine Arts Research and Holographic Center, the HOLOGRAPHY MUSEUM of the Home + Studio of E. Wesly & Sons presents a Time Line of Gallery 1134, with a related Time Line devoted to one man's attempts at reviving it.
Dramatis Personae:
One can't know the players without a scorecard, and here are some anecdotes of how holography's most dysfunctional family interacted with each other.and the world! Plus it puts faces to the names in the Timelines above.
Classroom Handouts for the Holo I and II classes:
Written by yours truly.
Walkthrough of 1134 West Washington Boulevard, 2011:
I had been asked by Hans Bjelkhagen to present an up to date report on the place for the annual meeting of the Holography Working Group at SPIE's Photonics West Conference in February 2011. I contacted Terry Kasprzak, Loren Billings's son, and he graciously consented to allow myself and Victor Heredia, who had built most of the equipment, and had not been back in that building since he had left there in 1981, to document the site.
Walkthrough of 1134 West Washington Boulevard, 2014:
How things changed in the 3 short years it took Hayden Connor to flip the building. Under construction, as well as the rest of the following. When I have time on my hands I'll get to it.
Galleries of Holograms from the Laboratories of Gallery 1134:
4" by 5" Stock Image Holograms
Embossed Holograms
Gallery of Exhibition Post Cards and Posters:
From the heady anything goes days when Gallery 1134 was an avant-garde stomping ground.
Starting with the switchover to the new medium, Loren's inaugural International Holographic Exhibition, all the way to the bitter end.