This is a page under construction, an ode to one of the unsung heroes of late ‘70’s holography, whom I hope to meet one of these years if he is still with us.  You can see how well organized he was, as evidenced by his name and date stamp on a box of Agfa Holotest 10E56 plates.

An Antique!

When I was working at Lake Forest College as a Research Associate we found out that Borg-Warner, the American transmission manufacturer, was closing down its Research Center, and that they were selling their holographic equipment and lasers, for a dime on the dollar.  Being the pack rats we are, we decided to get whatever there was!

And there was an early Newport table, of the 3-legged vintage, a Coherent CR-2, and an Apollo single rod ruby laser.  Plus a few odds and ends, some boxes of plates, but most amazing, his notes and photos and slides.  Here is a sample of his craft, probably done with his Apollo in double-pulsed mode:

Wow!  I wish I could do this!

To be continued when I can give it proper time.

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