Here are my submissions to the Art Competition of the 2012 ISDH. Some of them were voted into the show, so says one of the judges, but then the exhibit space was made smaller, so these didn't make the cut. All of these should have been in the show instead of quite a few I could mention, what they were are available upon request if you contact me from this web site.

Materials used on all pieces:  Agfa or Ilford Holographic film, Formaline tape, white diffusing Mylar for the ground, sandwiched between two pieces of glass, framed with a complementary or contrasting aluminum channel frame. 

Click on the title to download a QuickTime Movie of the piece. The Holo-Kinetic qualities will become more apparent. You may want to Loop it for your viewing pleasure. Title and description of the pieces follow below each of them.

#1:  The Cockpit. So named because it looks like the windshield of the Space Shuttle.  25 by 30 cm, White Light Transmission Holographic Optical Embellishments in a collage.

#2:  Blue Pascal.  What’s in a name?  40 by 50 cm, White Light Transmission Holographic Optical Embellishments in a collage.

#3:  Golden Mean Guillotine.  The “blade” has cut off the head of the rainbow body.  The Golden Mean was added to make a catchy phrase.  30 by 60 cm White Light Transmission Holographic Optical Embellishments in a collage.

#4:  Melle Mel in a Mellow Mood.  For old time's sake.  20 by 20 cm collage of a color photographic transparency collaged with a White Light Transmission Holographic Optical Embellishment.

The QuickTime Movies were shot by sliding a Canon 5D camera on an optical rail, so please forgive the jerkiness.